Family Camp, where singles are also welcome, is a camp for all ages - our oldest camper was 103.
Family Camp is informal and flexible. The day begins with singing and a Bible story; the day concludes with campfire singing, skits and inspiration.
By choice, activities include a giant slide, discussion groups, Bible study, hiking, folk dancing, line dancing, jigsaw puzzles, swimming (and lessons for young children), skits, arts and crafts, water rockets, lawn games, softball, volleyball, basketball, pickleball, visiting and relaxation - there is something for everyone.
All meals are served. There is a coffee bar open in the morning and a snackbar open in the afternoon.
Family Camp, sponsored by the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, has a long history beginning in 1957.
Silver Spur Conference Center in Tuolumne, California was home to Family Camp for over 40 years. The global pandemic in 2020 impacted Silver Spur's ability to remain open.
In 2022, after 2 years of virtual Family Camp gatherings, Family Camp started meeting at Koinonia Conference Grounds in Corralitos, California. In 2024 camp takes place June 9-15 (see Forms & Info for this year's details).
Deep and lasting relationships are formed at Family Camp. Some have found their mates. Many have found friends and keep in touch through the year. Family Camp is truly an extended family. And, you are welcome!