Camp Poem
Very Virtual Voice
Family Camp, 2021
Written by Judy Karnes
Oh, woe is me - How can it be?
Second Camp year, done virtually!
Each day we caught up on what we were doing
As we saw activities screened for our viewing.
Our leader Emeritus encouraged us to hydrate,
Keeping us healthy, masking up was our fate.
Zooming each day at various times
It's going to be interesting making things rhyme.
Focus on Jesus - How did he stay well?
Kept a distance - prayed by himself for a spell.
Reach out and touch elbows, virtually touching each other -
We're all God's beloved, a sister or brother.
Zooming in to Shady Rest from four to five,
Kept our conversation alive.
Using your hands and fingers to speak -
We had Sign Language lessons all week.
Even though we're isolated, we're still together.
Be sure to move about and exercise, whatever the weather!
Walking restores us - Jesus showed us this to be true.
He went apart to pray for me and you.
We, too, can go apart to renew and restore.
Be quiet. Breathe deeply. Listen. Adore.
We thank God for being with us each day.
We thank Jesus for this group as we pray.
Let God be God - It's not our job to do.
Teach us, Lord, to be more like you.
Breathe deeply. Inhale Jesus. We are blessed.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit, a welcome guest.
Jesus loved life and parties too.
Turned water into wine, one thing he could do.
He loved little children and laughter.
Be like them - be happy, now and ever after.
What would Camp be without the games?
Each evening old favorites and new ones came.
Some new ones (to me) and old favorites, too.
Did you have fun? Gave us something to do.
Take care of each of each other and keep in touch -
May God bless you and keep you - love you so much!
2020 - 2021 have come and gone too -
Hope to see you, in person in 20 - 22!!!

Very Virtual Voice by Judy Karnes, 2021
Camp or No Camp by Judy Karnes, 2020
50 Years! by Judy Karnes, 2020
Holy Heroes by Judy Karnes, 2019
Camp Poem by Judy Karnes, 2018
Now Let Us Fry! by Judy Karnes, 2017
Dream Big by Judy Karnes, 2016
We Are Family! – And We’re Amazing! by Judy Karnes, 2014
A Triumph of Brothers by Michael Sullivan, 2014