Camp Poem
50 Years!
Family Camp, 2020
Written by Judy Karnes
50 years of leading Family Camp!
Doug Norris is a real Champ!
Every year he carries us along the way –
Encouraging words – he always knows what to say.
From early morning to day’s end
He encourages us to be a friend.
As we gather for morning meeting
He’s there for a musical greeting.
He always shows us how to pray,
He lifts us up every day.
Morning has broken,
Kind words are spoken,
Old Grumbler is sung and we Skip to my Lou!
Sing the Lord of the Dance and Artichokes too!
The first night we learn how to act
As we hear Procedures to Enhance Corporate
Living in Family Camp facts.
We have exhausted the Squeegee over the years,
We have heard many stories that often bring tears.
Doug has lead us through the many years
With his positive outlook that brings cheers!
He’s always encouraged us o be the best
In the amphitheater or Shady Rest.
His Amazing Grace is there for all
Lift High the Cross – He’s answered the call!
Raise a chorus
To dear Doug Norris!

Very Virtual Voice by Judy Karnes, 2021
Camp or No Camp by Judy Karnes, 2020
50 Years! by Judy Karnes, 2020
Holy Heroes by Judy Karnes, 2019
Camp Poem by Judy Karnes, 2018
Now Let Us Fry! by Judy Karnes, 2017
Dream Big by Judy Karnes, 2016
We Are Family! – And We’re Amazing! by Judy Karnes, 2014
A Triumph of Brothers by Michael Sullivan, 2014